International partners 2016

Internationalt arbejdsmøde med samarbejdspartnere

english below

Sigrids Stue ser frem til samarbejdet med:
Matthias Einhoff / Center for Art and Urbanistics, Berlin (DE)
Agnieszka Wolodzko / Uafhængig kurator, Gdansk (PL)
Aleksandra Ksiezopolska / LAZNIA Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk (PL)
Secil Yaylali / PASAJ, Istanbul (TUR).

De har alle som kunstnere og kuratorer stor erfaring  med deltagerbaserede kunstprojekter og større tværfaglige kunstprojekter i offentlige rum. De arbejder på deres respektive projektsteder og kunstinstitutioner med internationale residence kunstnere og udvekslingsprogrammer.

Sammen diskuterer og planlægger vi kommende projekter og artist in residence programmet i
Sigrids Stue.

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International work session with collaborators

Sigrids Stue is looking forward to collaborating with:
Matthias Einhoff / Center for Art and Urbanistics, Berlin (DE)
Agnieszka Wolodzko / freelance curator, Gdansk (PL)
Aleksandra Ksiezopolska / LAZNIA Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk (PL)
Secil Yaylali / PASAJ, Istanbul (TUR).

As artists and curators they all have vast experience working in the fields of interactive and public art as well as with interdisciplinary art projects. They all work in their respective project spaces and art institutions and they take part in a variety of international residency and exchange programmes.

Together we will discuss and plan future projects and also plan Sigrids Stue’s upcoming artist-in-residency programme.

For further information visit:

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